Rome 2 total war mods for germanic tribes
Rome 2 total war mods for germanic tribes

rome 2 total war mods for germanic tribes

with your "kings purse" or whatever Rome 2 calls it you can recruit and maintain almost a full stack of horse archers before the other guys and rush them. Strategic situation: with the AI having access to virtually unlimited cash the first 15 turns go down like a c&c game: who can raise a full stack first. a good idea to consider is to leave armies on raiding stance to reduce their high upkeep costs. unlike that cheating AI you will need about 50 turns to field two full stacks for purely financial reasons.

rome 2 total war mods for germanic tribes

the big problem is as with any barbarian faction-money. their horsemen and especially horse archers are unmatched and will obliterate stack after stack of "eastern spearmen" with no casualties. Military situation: the nomads can raise large armies very fast (5 per turn) as long as they have the money. Get caught fighting on 2 fronts and the reinforcements will never make it. your settlements are few and far between so it will take some diplomacy to give you a fighting chance.

rome 2 total war mods for germanic tribes

Persians to the east, pontics to the south and Dacians to the west. Various other cultures await on the edge of the steppes, waiting for sings of weakness. You can choose to either conquer them or merge with them for a hefty sum of money. of those 3 are playable: the skirmish focused Scythia, the lancer focused Roxalanii and the heavy armor focused Masagatei. The steppes are home to about 6 factions which share the nomadic horse archer lifestyle. this article also contains battle tips to those unaccustomed to the whole "Mongol" battle style. Since all 3 nomadic cultures start in roughly the same location and with roughly the same units it stands to reason to unite them under one article.

Rome 2 total war mods for germanic tribes